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Pioneer Valley Credit Union Celebrates 99 Years


Pioneer Valley Credit Union is celebrating its 99th Anniversary this month on April 27th, 2022. In 1923, ten postal workers chartered what is now Pioneer Valley Credit Union under the name Springfield Mass Post Office Employees Credit Union to serve the United States Postal Service employees. The intent of its founders was to “promote thrift among its members and to make loans to its members for provident purposes.”

For 99 years, Pioneer Valley Credit Union has put its members and the surrounding community’s needs first with innovative products and services and will continue a member-oriented mindset moving forward. Member empowerment is the driving force towards new developments of the future of its service. PVCU's vision is to pioneer cutting edge financial products all while maintaining exclusive membership benefits. As Pioneer Valley Credit Union looks with excitement to the future, it anticipates to welcome new technology and undergo enhancement to the member experience as its top priority.

To celebrate the occasion and support local business, Pioneer Valley Credit Union will be celebrating its anniversary at the main office with complimentary refreshments and fresh cookies for members at the East Springfield branch at 246 Brookdale Drive in Springfield, MA from 2:30PM to 3:30PM on Wednesday, April 27th to its members.

“We are excited to celebrate our 99th anniversary with our members. Pioneer Valley Credit Union is the oldest operating Postal Credit Union in the United States. We anticipate to harken back to our roots for our 100th year in 2023, and honor our founders, all while looking towards member centric technology advancements with a progressive spirit. Anabela Grenier, President/CEO.”

About Pioneer Valley Credit Union:

Pioneer Valley Credit Union is a full service not-for-profit financial institution serving members since 1923 and serves select employer groups in Western Massachusetts including employees of the United States Postal Service, Baystate Health, Federal employees of Springfield, Westover Air Reserve Base, Caring Health Centers, Pioneer Valley Local First Association, American Consumer Council Supporting Financial Literacy Association and much more. The newest location of Pioneer Valley Credit Union is located at Sixteen Acres on 1954 Wilbraham Road in Springfield, Massachusetts.

For more information about Pioneer Valley Credit Union, visit

Pioneer Valley Credit Union's History

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